For my first year of gardening we have done quite well, we had lots of peas, we have quite a number of tomatoes, many are still green but here was my first red tomato.
I also have a toddler who arrives at my side regularly with a proud smile on his face and a handful of freshly picked green tomatoes, which he says are apples! So we shall see how many manage remain on the plant until they are red.
My herbs are doing really well after a slow start and I have started to use them in my cooking.
Do you remember the photos I posted of the basil in June (
What's Wrong With My Basil?) well these are the same plants, you would never guess how healthy and green they could look after starting out in the garden so brown & yellow.
And this is my first red raspberry, which is a surprise as I only planted the canes this year and had read that it can take a few years for them to bare fruit. Well, we have a number of flowers and small fruits beginning to grow on the plants now, so we have done quite well with our first season.
The blackberries which have grown over from next door are also feeding us well, with 2 apple and blackberry crumbles made this week with the produce.
I am looking forward to trying some different plants and more of the same as well next year.