Popcorn1 tbsp olive oil
3-4 drops of Young Living Lemon essential oil (can also use lime or orange)
1 tsp runny honey
- Heat the oil gently in the bottom of a pan (must be a pan with a lid). Once the bottom of the pan is covered with oil, put enough popcorn in to cover the bottom of the pan & place the lid on the pan.
- Watch and wait until the corn begins popping & once it has finished turn the heat off & place in a large mixing bowl.
- Mix the oil with the honey on a teaspoon and mix through the popcorn until evenly coated.
Great to eat with a good film!
NB I use Young Living Essential Oil due to it's known high quality grade & assurance that it is 100% pure essential oil, so completely safe to ingest. Other oils may not be safe to ingest.
NB I use Young Living Essential Oil due to it's known high quality grade & assurance that it is 100% pure essential oil, so completely safe to ingest. Other oils may not be safe to ingest.